Business Women's Network Speaker Series - 2024
Tuesday, 14 May 2024
BWN Speaker Series 2024
Tuesday 14 May @ Baycourt
Bring your A Game
When you bring your ‘A’ game, it means that you are leaving nothing on the field, court, home or work – you’re giving it your all. We will explore the journey women take to bring their A game, to juggle all manner of things, to get fulfilment, feel accomplished through their many and varied roles we all play on a daily basis.
High-achieving women accomplish their goals, are highly skilled, and get the most out of themselves and their experiences, whatever they may be. They approach their careers and their lives with five key themes: agency, authenticity, connection, self-clarity and wholeness. Hear from women who are performing out of the park, what did they do, what career paths did they follow, what was sacrificed along the way, or can you do it all, and if so, what can we learn from others to achieve that.
These women have adapted, executed their plans and achieved and performed to become industry leaders. Along the way they have learned certain skills, certain thought processes, certain resilience practices that have helped them. And by talking with you, you too could learn some of those skills to help you achieve all that you aspire too.
But, as they say, nothing worth doing comes easy. These women have worked hard, overcoming personal and/or professional adversity along their journey to get to where they are today. They have held strong to idea that we look to the future we want, not what someone or something else decides.
A new development this year will be a smaller more intimate dinner - tickets will be limited - post the event, on Tuesday 14th where you can close the afternoon off with more networking with the other attendees and potentially some of the speakers. Getting an opportunity to network with them will be a great way to finish an already exciting afternoon.
- Niki Bezzant
- Bridgette Tapsell
- Phillida Perry
- Kylie Wilson
- Chelsea Winter
Thank you for registering for this event.
This event may be cancelled in which case payments will be refunded. Any cancellation and/or changes must be made in writing to events@tauranga.org.nz before 10am the day prior to this event. Registrations not cancelled via email by 10am the day prior to the event will require payment, however substitutions are welcome. By registering for this event, you agree to be added to the Chamber's database for auditing and communication purposes.
Sponsor Principal Level
Sponsor Premier Level

Contra Sponsors

Sponsor Partner Level

Members $120.00
Non-Members $180.00
Post Event Dinner $125.00
38 Durham Street
Tauranga, Bay of Plenty 3110 New Zealand
Join us for networking and stunning speakers from 12.00 noon, closing with a drink and nibble until 7.00pm
Business Women's Network