Need help with your business?

Access our Chamber business support services

One-hour free business advice

Got an idea for a business or, just started one and want to get off on the right foot? Book in for one-hour of free business advice with the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce’s Smart Economy Business Advisor.

Our Business Advisor can help you understand how to get started, and what they need to be thinking about in the short and long term.

They can also direct you to expert local providers (such as lawyers, accountants, bank managers) and, if eligible, assist you with accessing Government funding.

The one-hour of free business advice is open to any business owner in the Bay of Plenty.

To book, email the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce on

Business Mentors New Zealand

Want to take your business to the next stage? Gain the support of a business mentor. Whether you’d like a fresh approach or an independent perspective to bounce off new ideas, help avoiding common pitfalls, or be held accountable to someone outside your normal support network, a business mentor may achieve better results.

This service is open to small to medium, eligible businesses in the Bay of Plenty.

To find out more, email the Tauranga Chamber of Commerce on

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