Callout to Bay of Plenty commercial landlords
Help the BOPDHB vaccination drive-through model
In response to the exponential raise in case numbers, the Bay of Plenty District Health Board’s (BOPDHB) COVID-19 vaccine rollout team is shifting its approach to best deliver the vaccine to our community.
The team is focused on the safe delivery of the vaccine, and the drive-through model continues to prove itself as low-risk for infection, and a comfortable experience for people being vaccinated.
The BOPDHB is planning a series of drive-through events in the Western Bay to be held on weekends as we move through the Omicron surge and peak. Required is a large space the BOPDHB can rent for the next four to six weeks, either indoors or outdoors.
The team are interested in carparks, warehouses, porte cochère and extended building eaves. Areas of particular need are Mount Maunganui, Pāpāmoa and Te Puke. The space would only be required on weekends.
The team continues to encourage everyone eligible to get vaccinated and boosted, as it is our best defence against Omicron. This change in tack will enable both our staff and community to continue increasing our collective immunity against the virus. If you have a space or facility that you think could contribute to this kaupapa, please get in touch.
Contact: Amy Kemeys, Bay of Plenty District Health COVID-19 vaccination team: Amy.Kemeys@bopdhb.govt.nz | 027 380 3388