Introducing Tauranga Business Chamber
Champions for your business
The past two years have been a time of change for many local businesses – and like our local businesses, we’ve been doing some reflecting too.
The Chamber that exists today is very different from the Chamber that was founded in 1904, and we think now’s the time to better reflect the business community in which we live and work.
That’s why we’re starting 2022 with a new look and a new name.
As well as a new brand look and feel, which will be revealed to the public next week, Tauranga Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that the organisation will be renamed Tauranga Business Chamber.
They say what’s in a name, but for us this signals a new era for our business organisation, bringing a refreshed energy and a contemporary approach to business.
We’ve got some great people behind the name, all of whom are committed to empowering our local business community to help local business owners thrive.
And, we’ve got better clarity on who and how we can help, with our focus firmly on three key areas:
- To act as the trusted, respected voice of local business
- To be the connectors of the Tauranga business community
- To empower local business owners by growing skills and capability.
The public reveal of our new brand will on Thursday, March 31, so keep an eye on our social media channels (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram).
What does this mean for you?
Chamber members are an integral part of the business ecosystem, and our focus is on supporting and championing you on your business journey.
We’re always here to help – if you’re looking to connect with the right people and the right information at the right time, we’re your go-to business hub.
Our member liaison will be able to assist you with your business needs; contact us at any time membership@tauranga.org.nz
We look forward to connecting with you soon.
We’d like to say thank you and acknowledge our branding partners KingSt Advertising and Marketing, who have been instrumental in helping bring our new brand to life.