Share your views on the future of Tauriko West
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and Tauranga City Council are seeking peoples’ views on the next phase of the Tauriko for Tomorrow project to shape the community in Tauriko West.
An information display will be available at Tauranga Crossing from Friday 20 to Sunday 29 May, for people to find out about progress and share their views.
Waka Kotahi Regional Manager System Design Jessica Andrew says in the 2021 engagement, stakeholders and the community showed a strong preference for the long-term transport Option B. This is a new four lane state highway which would be built alongside the existing State Highway 29 (SH29) and State Highway 29A (SH29A).
The option encourages people to use public transport and walking and cycling and includes integration into the wider transport network and key local road connections.
“We gathered valuable feedback and have been refining the option and would like to hear how the local community feels about the proposed improvements,” Ms Andrew says.
“The key objectives of the long-term improvements are to provide choice in how people want to travel, to support a growing community, protection of the freight route and safety for all users.
“From our investigations and analysis of the input from partners, stakeholders, potentially affected parties and the wider community, Option B – Offline is the emerging preferred option. “This emerging preferred option would deliver on our vision to support a connected community for locals to live, learn, work and play as well as support the region’s growth.”
Tauranga City Council General Manager of Strategy and Growth, Christine Jones, says Tauriko West is one of the city’s key urban growth areas, that will provide 3000 to 4000 homes to help meet future housing need in the western Bay of Plenty sub-region.
“As this project progresses it is vital that we keep updating the community on progress. Right now, we wish to inform residents about our draft land use plan, which shows the extent of land that may be developed for residential use. We are also looking for feedback on our proposal to rezone this land using the Government’s Streamlined Planning Process under the RMA. Like any new development we’re also planning out a network of open spaces and would like to hear the community’s views on our approach.”
People will be able to provide feedback on the emerging preferred long-term transport option, find out about construction of the short-term transport improvements to enable access to the first stages of housing development in Tauriko West, and learn about plans for the new community.
Feedback is open from Friday 20 May to Friday 17 June. From Friday 20 May, people can view the emerging preferred option and provide feedback online at taurikofortomorrow.co.nz if they can’t make it to the Tauriko for Tomorrow information display at Tauranga Crossing.
Tauriko for Tomorrow information display at Tauranga Crossing
Opposite the Garden Eateries, downstairs
Friday, 20 May to Sunday, 29 May*, during mall opening hours
* Our project team will be available, in-person, to hear peoples’ views and answer questions at the following times:
- Sunday, 22 May, 10am – 4pm
- Thursday, 26 May, 11am – 7pm
- Saturday, 28 May, 9am – 3pm
More about the project:
Option B – Offline is a new four lane state highway which would be built alongside the existing State Highway 29 (SH29) and State Highway 29A (SH29A). The new state highway would have limited connections to the local road network and the existing SH29 and SH29A would be retained as a local road. It also includes significant improvements for walking and cycling and high frequency public transport connections through the area.
The area where these improvements will be made is SH29 from Omanawa Road to the Takitimu Drive Toll Road roundabout, and SH29A to the Barkes Corner intersection (Pyes Pa Road/Cameron Road).
The option will integrate with the enabling works.
Alongside the long-term planning work for the transport network, Tauranga City Council and Waka Kotahi have identified the initial improvements to enable the first stages of housing development within Tauriko West, support continued industrial development of Tauriko Business Estate and improve safety at the existing SH29/Belk Road and SH29/Cambridge Road intersections.
Tauranga City Council endorsed, and the Waka Kotahi Board approved the business case for the enabling works to begin pre-implementation and construction.
The programme for construction of the enabling works is being developed, with the goal to move into the construction phase in 2023. This is subject to funding, consultation with landowners whose property or access may be affected by the works, land acquisition, and any required statutory approvals.
The short-term transport improvements include a new roundabout at SH29/Redwood Lane, a new intersection with traffic lights on SH29 at Tauriko village, four lanes between Tauriko village and Cambridge Road, and traffic lights at SH29/Cambridge Road intersection. A new shared path along the north side of SH29, a new connection to Tauranga Crossing via Whiore Avenue for buses, pedestrians, and cyclists, and a shared walking and cycling path along both sides of Whiore Avenue to Taurikura Drive is also planned.
Tauranga City Council and Waka Kotahi will continue to progress the short-term enabling works and prepare a plan change to the Tauranga City Plan during 2022. This includes the completion of the structure plan and development of a comprehensive stormwater consent. Council aims to notify the plan change to rezone Tauriko West from rural to urban in early-2023.
Following community engagement, Waka Kotahi will refine the overall designs of the long-term option to inform the Waka Kotahi Tauriko Network Connections Business Case. The business case will be used to seek funding for the next stages of the project. Waka Kotahi expects to submit the business case to the Waka Kotahi Board in mid- to late 2022.