What makes Bay businesses unique?
Research project for Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology
Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology business students want to find out what makes New Zealand businesses unique.
The Bay of Plenty and South Waikato regions are full of innovative and industry-leading businesses, so our Toi Ohomai business students want to team up with businesses from across the rohe to interview them (online) to explore successes in our business community.
The task for students, which is being put together by tutor Bronwyn Alton, will see students develop their professional and critical thinking skills by interviewing businesses in teams to find out what makes businesses in Aotearoa unique, resilient, creative and entrepreneurial. “This is also an opportunity for businesses and students to connect in a meaningful way, and also for students to learn by doing,” Bronwyn says.
The students will follow the Toi Ohomai research guidelines, using information and consent forms with the participants to ensure a professional approach.
The information gathered by the students will enable students to create a professional display about the business they interviewed, to be showcased at an event with the business community in June.
“This will be a celebration of our local businesses community, with a focus on creating purposeful connections,” Bronwyn says.
If you would like to take part as a business, please contact Bronwyn.alton@toiohomai.ac.nz.